Thursday, July 5, 2018

N2JNT-2 iGate Digipeater - The software.

The software used to support my iGate Digi is APRSSIS32 by KJ4ERJ.  And, I would be very remiss if I did not acknowledge the support I have received from the author of this software.

Lynn, the author, provides the software to the ham community at no charge, and I have asked for and received help on many occasions from Lynn.  Thanks, Lynn!!

The green and yellow lines show paths between digipeaters, the yellow line shows the latest path of data to my station, which is in the center of the screen labeled ME.

Often the large RF digipeaters are located on remote locations without access to the internet.  My station has both a radio receiver and internet connection running 24/7.   It passes data from the digipeaters and local users, such as cars, boats, airplanes, and hikers,  from RF to the internet.  The internet has servers worldwide that display APRS information from these sources.

There are two fundamental parts of the APRS network that enable communications beyond simple peer-to-peer transmissions. They are Digipeaters and IGates. ... When an IGate, or Internet Gateway, hear traffic, it sends that data to the APRS-IS (Automatic Packet Reporting System – Internet Service).

Other objects shown on the screen are repeaters, home stations and moving objects such as vehicles.  On the left is a scrolling display of data traffic flowing through the station.

In the upper right corner and along the menu bar on the top of the screen there is an option to send messages between stations which functions like a chat session. 

Like the software and all APRS itself, these services are provided to the ham community without charge. 

Internet users can view APRS activity on and specific real-time data on my station via:

N2JNT-2 real-time data

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